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Website Internet Marketing Consultation Report
Client: Eli Guerra - www.DashboardComics.net
Date Prepared: 09-04-2022 By: Randy Shea
The primary objectives of this Website Internet Marketing Consultation Report are to;
- Objective #1 - Help the client identify areas of deficiencies and/or opportunities that will improve their organization implement changes that will help their official websites overall ‘findability’ and presence on the worldwide web and to suggest efficient and affordable ways to make improvements.
Website: dashboardcomics.net - Unless visitors are using keyword searches directly related to the comic books/characters already available to the public the chances of someone finding the website through a generic search is near zero. Also some may be interested in knowing more about the comic book artist and they may be using keywords like 'Eli Guerra Comic Books' and as of now the website has little to no text to be indexed but the search engine crawlers to help people find the website that way. I suggest adding an about page.
I also suggest adding more text including more keywords and keyword sets that could lead the target audience towards finding the website and/or artist on the Home page and/or other main menu pages. Although Google says that using keyword metatags will not help in ranking other search engines do still use them so it's worth taking the time to add as many as possible.
IMPORTANT: The client should develop a list of up to 300 keywords and/or keyword sets that they would hope to be found for. Start with the obvious and branch out from there. Since keyword metatags are invisible to visitors, using the names of other more popular and well know competitors is not out of bounds. Also, if the client wants to be found in specific geographical areas then add those areas as keyword sets as well. Example: Canandaigua, NY. Remember...Many of these same keywords and/or keyword sets can and should be used in text throughout the website for the purpose of helping to improve the clients "findability".
- Objective #2 – Evaluate & recommend changes to their existing website and/or overall approach that should help them achieve a higher number of quality responses and/or interactions to their online activities and that match with their organizations objectives.
See above
- Objective #3 – Evaluate & recommend ways to improve their website so that it can be used as a tool to improve both internal communications between team members and external communications to the general public.
No team members at the present time.
Establish a Youtube channel (or something comparable) where the author can use this medium to comunicate important messages and/or special announcements. This is especially heplful when attempting to improve responses to "Call to Actions'.
Add a 'Sign up for Mailing List and/or Newsletter' option in the contact form to help establish a warm market email list.
- Objective #4 – Evaluate & recommend ways to improve their overall presence and marketing efforts on the worldwide web and look for and suggest opportunities for improvements that should help the client meet or exceed their overall marketing objectives.
(Summerizes Report)
Supplimental Information and links
Know your target market > https://www.statista.com/statistics/1005439/comic-book-fans-us-by-age/
Site Mailing List
When You Want to BE FOUND On the Web Use...
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